Sunday, December 28, 2008


Lately i got interested in reading about central african countries, especially DRC (Democractic Republic of Congo).

In short, DRC is the 12th biggest country with estimate population of 62 million,(Former Belgium colony got independence in 1960), faced two civil wars in the last decade. Had roughly 120,000km of well-maintained roads,as well as national rail/boat services (on congo river) during the independence, now left with less than 1000 km of road remain. Long story, short DRC is being called "Undeveloping country of world".

Mighty Congo River flows thro the heart of the country(second longest river in africa after Nile, runs over 4,700 km). Tim Butcher, British journalist followed the path the river whole way thus by crossing the country in 2004 describing his experiences in his classic book Blood River. Tim takes journey which most people considered as suicidal journey (because of civil war in the country, for more info please read here and here), following the Legendary H.M.Stanley's epic trans-africa journey.

Honestly, reading Tim's experience was quite depressing,like his experience with toddler and his mom.He explains "I looked at the sickly child and tried to think of another country in the world where a baby born half a century earlier had more chance of surviving than today". Lines like "safest place for a Congolese is the forest" confirms that, DRC is undeveloping. He finishes his journey in Kinshasa and notes,"no capital city in the world more unrepresentative of its country". Tim finishes his book with following "Major lesson I learned on my trek through modern central Africa was that the most valuable asset stolen from the Congo was the sovereignty of its people"

You can read Guardian review here

BBC Reports this today. Quite depressing. God save DRC.

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