Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Concept of God

Couple of months ago, during a long drive back home, i had a intersting conversation with friends about god (topic of conversation for several centuries).After couple of minutes into the conversion,friends got baffled with my view on god, end up explaining "Agnosticism", difference between Agnosticism and Atheism . Webster defines agnostic as "One who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god". In other words, "one who doesn't really get involved in the arguments on existence of God".

I am neither agnostic nor atheist. In my view, god is a concept, belief, positive energy which drives people. Again god is just a concept. The following quote reflects it more clearly.

If God is nothing more than an intangible concept that motivates our hearts—a synonym for "love" and "kindness"—He is more powerful than I ever imagined as a believer

-- Dr.R. David Lee

Read a excellent article by David Lee couple of days which reflects my view more clearly. It's written by Doctor who lost his faith in god. Author writes "
A world without God? Perhaps all doctors, like me, are one dead baby away from atheism". Couldn't agree more on that.

Again from article,

"I'm not a stupid man—I know how believers and disbelievers would interpret the events of that horrible evening. An atheist would say that Lisa's death didn't destroy my faith, but rather served as a final crack in an already shaky foundation. Believers would tell me that instead of trying to decipher the meaning of death in the cosmic scheme of things, I should just accept that God sometimes permits bad things to happen for reasons beyond our comprehension".

Probably, it's all in the way how you look at things. Again, full article is here . Definitely worth a read.

On the same topic, i like the following scene from Tamil movie "Anbe Sivam".

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